Proposed Modifications:

To preface, I study  psychology and data science, so my background is more on the technical side. Thus, I'd really like to do a mix of art and code type modifications to speak to my background and try something new. I am somewhat still in the midst of my creative process of figuring out how I want everything to fit together and look in the end, along with playing around with unity to see where my skills and strengths are, so these descriptions are somewhat broad with lots of ideas, but I will narrow down the ideas to produce 3 cohesive and significant modifications for the final project. 

1. Something that I mentioned in my game analysis, is that I really appreciate a sense of change and discovery between levels, especially aesthetically. Thus, I'd really like to change the look and feel of the different levels. Almost as if you're in a different part of the galaxy! I recently started the Mass Effect series, and so this is somewhat inspired by the way that you travel to different parts of the universe on your adventure with each having their own look and feel. I attached some reference photos from below. This change will mainly affect the look of the background, environment, and enemies between each level, but I think I want to keep the look of the player consistent, so it really feels like you are progressing through the levels.  I like the idea of having kind of a classic space level, then one more green-toned with more of a green alien feel for the enemies, and one more red-toned that will feel hot and fiery. Whether this will span 1 or 2 of my modifications is something that I think will become more clear through my creative process, as I think I may get on a roll and want to add more and more to each level including custom music, etc.  I also like the idea of having a story or background on each one, so I might add that with text or maybe on the pause screen! 

2. For the coding side of things, I want to create enemies with new behavior! For the fiery level, I really like the idea of adding some sort of fire attack that does damage over time, like a "burning" effect. I'm currently looking into that but if I can't figure it out for this project, I may try and do an alternate fiery attack. Alternatively, I like the idea of having the aliens in the green-toned level have some sort of slime attack that slows the player down for a period of time. 

3.  I want to modify the UI to reflect the new journey of the game, with new level titles, new fonts, and descriptions of levels/worlds.  I think I may want to play around with the level selection screen to spice it up and add new visuals to reflect my level changes. Further, I want to play around with the idea of only allowing levels to be selected from the level selector once the previous levels are beaten! 


Created By: Erin Sawyer


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